Minggu, 23 Juni 2013


Life is very harsh, indeed.
No matter how often you said to yourself
that you shouldn't cry, your heart is
too painful that tears are just shedding.
But one thing you have to believe in,
it's yourself.
You should be ashamed of complaining that life's hard.
A lot of others experienced the worse but they survived.
You have to have faith that things will change,
and you will win, if it's not soon,
it's closer.
Out there, there are so many terrible things that
would scare you right out of your pants.
People will let you down and break your dreams
Even the ones you believed to be by your side forever.
But you know you're better than your problems.
You might get beaten up, but nothing, nothing
can defeat you!
You just have to do harder and focus.
God will be so touched when you do that.

1 komentar:

  1. Amazing ! I like it. Pelangi pasti bisa meraih impian pelangi ;) because pelangi is a girl very smart.
